women 4 hope

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Posts Tagged ‘resolutions’

Do You Have A Weight Loss Resolution? Buy Frozen Diet Entrees Now While They Are On Sale.

Posted by Catherine Morgan on January 2, 2009


Have you made a weight loss resolution for the new year?  If so, now is a great time to stock up on those frozen diet entrees from your grocery store.

Whether you live alone or with your family, it’s difficult to adjust your eating habits when you want to lose some weight.  But, it’s a lot easier if you can plan your meals ahead of time.  A great way to get started is with portion and calorie controlled frozen meals.  This way, if you still need to cook dinner for the family, you don’t have to spend a lot more time making something healthy for yourself.  And even though that would probably be your best option, it might not be realistic to think it’s something you’ll be able to do during the hardest and most critical time of your diet (the beginning).

In order to be successful on a new diet, you need to do two things right off the bat…

1.  Get rid of ALL the food temptations in your home.

That doesn’t mean your whole family has to “suffer” through your diet with you.  Get rid of all the foods that are tempting to you, and leave unhealthy foods that aren’t tempting to you.

Does your family love ice-cream, but it’s a huge weakness for you?  Get them together and decide on a flavor (or flavors) that you don’t really care for.  This way, your kids are happy that they have their ice-cream, and you don’t feel tempted to indulge.  Do the same with cookies, cereal, candy, and any of the other “junk” foods that you normally keep in your pantry.

2.  Stock up on the healthy foods you CAN have on your diet.

The worst thing you can do to sabotage a good diet, is to not have enough healthy foods in your house.  When you get those hunger pangs between meals, you absolutely need to have plenty of healthy (and quick) choices available.

This is where those frozen diet entrees come in handy, and this is the time of year when they all go on sale.  Not just 25% off either.  Most grocery stores are having buy one get one free and 50% off during these next few weeks after the holidays.  These manufacturers understand that losing weight is a huge new year’s resolution, and they want you to buy their products.  So if you can, save money by stocking up on them now.  Yesterday, I was able to get a bunch of Lean Cuisine frozen dinners for less than $2.00 each. For that price, I can have a healthy lunch and dinner for less than $4.00 a day.  That’s less than the cost of one meal at a fast food place.

Personally, I find these portion controlled meals a little small, and not very filling.  But a great way to compensate that drawback is by adding fresh (try cleaned/pre-cut) or frozen vegetable.  They only add a few more calories, and you can mix them right in with your frozen dinner to give them a bit more flavor.

So, get rid of the funk food and stock up on the healthy food.

Good luck, and let me know how you make out in comments.

Here are more posts on dieting and weight loss that you might find helpful…

Posted in body image, dieting, empowerment, family, food, Health, life, nutrition, parenting, self-help, weight loss, Women, women's health | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »